Harmony Through Human expressions A One World Festival

ONE WORLD FAMILY FESTIVAL 2024 | Ashmolean Museum

In a world frequently isolated by lines, dialects, and philosophies, there are minutes that help us to remember our common mankind. On June 22, 2024, One World along with the Denzel Washington School of Human expressions in Mount Vernon, NY, facilitated an exceptional occasion — a festival of human connectedness, harmony, and overflow through artistic expression. Understudies, teachers, and One World’s worldwide local area met up to observe a kaleidoscope of imagination, spanning societies and encouraging expectation.

The Denzel Washington School of Artistic expression, settled in the core of Mount Vernon, gave the ideal background to this festival. Its lively lobbies reverberated with the strides of graduates who had quite recently accepted their confirmations the other day. The air hummed with expectation as participants investigated the exhibition, where harmony themed work of art and associations devoted to advancing harmony were unmistakably shown. Guests walked around the display from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm, drenching themselves in this motivating grandstand.

As the clock struck 6:00 pm, the stage burst to life. The occasion’s MC, Hip-bounce Gamer, set the vibe with these strong words: “One Love, One World.” All through the night, this fundamental message reverberated with everybody present. Understudies from Mount Vernon and past ventured into the spotlight, their exhibitions rising above language obstructions and contacting hearts.

The occasion started off with presentations, including DWSA’s head, Dr. Andrea Thomas, the occasion supports, City chairman Shawyn Patterson-Howard, and the powerful Emcee, Hip Jump Gamer. The exhibitions displayed a rich embroidery of ability. K Conceived, a rapper and pioneer behind I’m People group, conveyed an intriguing piece named “What is Harmony?” DWSA understudies wowed the crowd with hip-bounce and African dance, while a sixth grade dance major investigated colorism inside the diaspora. One World recordings shipped us across landmasses: Indian old style dance from Elmsford, New York, and a brief look at Changzhou, China’s social legacy. The stage woke up with dynamic and energetic social dance exhibitions from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, and Mexico, injecting the environment with energy and happiness. Artful dance and contemporary dance by Michael Middleton added to the creative variety. Understudy video exhibitions from Alice E. Grady Primary School singing “De Colores” and a moving tune from understudies in Grains advised us that craftsmanship rises above language. Regardless of whether we comprehend the verses, the songs and developments resound profound inside our spirits, associating us across societies and boundaries. The night closed with a call for solidarity — a “Sorcery in the Air Dance for Schooling!” — as we moved for training, perceiving our common mankind and taking a stab at worldwide harmony.

As the night attracted to a nearby, we conveyed with us a reestablished feeling of direction. The Denzel Washington School of Human expressions had turned into an intersection of cultures,a material where trust bloomed. We left, not as outsiders, but rather as individual explorers on this delicate planet. Our common humankind, enlightened by craftsmanship, would direct us toward a future where overflow was not a far off dream but rather an aggregate reality.

Allow us to keep on praising harmony, support associations, and make overflow — one brushstroke, one note, each heartbeat in turn.

This debut occasion denotes the start of a delightful custom. May it be the first of numerous social affairs where we join as one — One Love, One World.