Industrial Lubrication – A Short History

Lubrication is almost as old as the wheel and was probably discovered shortly after the wheel was invented. When the friction caused by the movement of the hub around the axle began struggling and causing resistance, ancient builders quickly found a solution – lubricant. Since any two parts that meet during movement will typically cause friction, the idea of lubrication has been around for thousands of years because humans keep creating and improving industrialized machines.

Killer Heat

The other factor to consider in modern machinery’s moving parts is the heat generated by the friction. Some of the moving sections inside industrial units can grind against one another over 3000 times a minute. So, the heat needs to be eliminated to keep the machines working at top capacity. Science came to the rescue with the development of different viscosities, grades, and types of oils, greases, and synthetic lubricants. The good news is, no matter what type of industrial lubricant in Richmond, VA, you are looking for, you can probably find it.

Abrasive Friction

When the lubrication is used properly, the friction can be reduced, and this often eliminates most of the heat that would otherwise be generated. A lubricant can also help with the tiny pieces of abrasive metal that can break off when the two parts are in friction. If the broken pieces are allowed to be moved around in the resistance process, the machinery can suffer from grooves or broken pieces.

Destructive Corrosion

Corrosion can also damage machinery, but science has come up with lubricant additives that can help metal surfaces resist contact with water, thus preventing moisture corrosion. The additive can also help prevent the machinery from rusting.

While it is true that industrial lubricants have been around for centuries, modern versions can help reduce heat and friction to support machinery in a long working life. Using lubricants can save downtime, money, and machine replacement.