SONY is looking for gamers to beta-test the upcoming PS4 System Software Update 5.50.
Anyone PS4 owners over the age of 18 are eligible to try out new features before they go live to the rest of the world.

“We’re getting ready for the next major system update for PS4, and can use some help from PS4 owners to test it out ahead of launch,” writes Sony.
The company added that players who sign up will “get an advance look at some of the improvements and new features coming to PS4”.
Beta testers who trialled last year’s Version 5.00 update got a preview of Family on PSN, friends list management, message improvements, and plenty more.
Sony hasn’t confirmed exactly what new goodies are being added in Version 5.50, but said news was on the way: “We’ll be back soon with an update on the features you can expect in the beta.”

How to sign up to PS4 beta update
Signing up is easy – just click here and fill in the form with your details.
Registration closes once the beta begins, so if you’re interested then it’s worth signing up early.
Sony has also changed its registration system so that users can opt in for automatic beta entry in the future.
“Starting this beta, you can choose to be added to future betas automatically without having to register again.”
“If you choose to do so, you’ll receive an exclusive PSN avatar.”